Introduction about Subterranean Termites

Most pest species of subterranean termites in North America belong to the endemic genus ReticulitermesReticulitermes species are found in every state in the continental United States except Alaska, but are most common in the warm and humid southeastern region. The eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) is the most widely distributed and is found in the entire eastern region of North America as far north as Ontario, Canada, and south to Key Largo, Florida. Because of their cryptic nature, structural infestations of subterranean termites are usually not visible. Most people become aware of an infestation when annual flights of winged termites (called alates) occur in structures. As with other termite species, Reticulitermes colonies contain three primary castes; the reproductives (king, queen, alates, alate nymphs, and supplementary reproductives), soldiers, and workers. Alates and soldiers are used for species identification.


Because subterranean termites consume cellulose, the main structural components of plant cells, any wood material in a house is a potential food source, but they may also damage non-wood material in search of food. Termites rarely show themselves in the open, and infestations can be difficult to detect until damage becomes severe. The surface of severely damaged wood may appear blistered or peeling, as termites hollow out the wood leaving a paper-thin surface. Eastern Subterranean Termites tend to cover the wood they feed upon with soil, thus giving wood a more “dirty” appearance. However, it is not advisable to identify the termite species based solely on damage as there are many exceptions.

Prevention of Subterranean Termites

Because subterranean termites forage in soil, it is important to keep structural lumber from direct contact with soil. Hence keeping the lower foundation walls and siding clear of vegetation or mulch makes it easier to inspect for termite shelter tubes. Subterranean termites need moisture for survival. Hence leaky plumbing, air conditioning condensate, and any portion of a building and its perimeter that collects excessive amounts of moisture should be corrected to maintain an environment less attractive to subterranean termites.

Preventative Bait Stations

With baits, small amounts of product are deployed like edible ‘smart missiles’ to knock out populations of termites foraging in and around the home. Therefor termites consume the bait and share it with their nest mates, resulting in a gradual decline in termite numbers. However a comprehensive baiting program then seeks to maintain a termite-free condition on the customer’s property through ongoing inspection, monitoring and re-baiting as needed.


Soil Treatments

Spraying the soil beneath the foundation with liquid insecticides has been the traditional method for subterranean termite control. Basically the objective is to place a chemical barrier between termites and the structure to be protected. Before the foundation is poured, soil termiticides are applied onto sub-slab soil to form a horizontal barrier. A vertical barrier is applied around the perimeter after the foundation is poured. This pre-construction treatment is mandatory in many of the United States. Also post-construction treatment consists of drilling holes through slabs and injecting insecticides under the foundation and by drenching trenches dug along building foundations.

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  • Grace J K, Su N-Y. 2001. Evidence supporting the use of termite baiting systems for long-term structural protection. Sociobiology 37: 301-310.
  • Lenz M, Runko S. 1994. Protection of buildings, other structures and materials in ground contact from attack by subterranean termites (Isoptera) with a physical barrier – a fine mesh of high-grade stainless steel. Sociobiology 24: 1-16.
  • Rust M, Su N-Y. 2012. Managing social insects of urban importance. Annual Review of Entomology 57: 355-75. (doi: 10.1146/annurev-ento-120710-100634)
  • Scheffrahn RH, Mangold JR, Su N-Y. 1988. A survey of structure-infesting termites of peninsular Florida. Florida Entomologist 71: 615-630.
  • Su N-Y, Scheffrahn RH. 1992. Penetration of sized-particle barriers by field populations of subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 85: 2275-2278.
  • Su N-Y. 2019. Developement of baits for management of subterranean termites. Annual Review of Entomology 64: 115-130.
  • Su N-Y, Ban PM, Scheffrahn, RH. 1993. Foraging populations and territories of the eastern subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in southeastern Florida. Environmental Entomology 22: 1113-1117.

About Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants, belonging to the genus Camponotus, are a diverse group of insects known for their wood-excavating behaviors. Unlike termites that consume wood for nourishment, these ants do not eat wood but rather tunnel through it to build their nests. Carpenter ants play a crucial role in forest ecosystems by aiding in the decomposition of dead of decaying wood. However, they can become problematic when they infect human structures, causing damage to wooden structures such as home and buildings. These ants are social insects, living in colonies with a queen, workers, and sometimes soldiers, and they communicate through chemical signals known as pheromones. Control measures for carpenter ants often involve locating and eliminating their nesting sites while also addressing any moisture or structural issues that may attract them.

Controlling Carpenter Ants

Controlling these ants involves a combination of preventive measures, identification, and targeted treatments. Begin by identifying signs of carpenter ant activity such as “frass” (sawdust-like material), visible ant trails, or the presence of swarmers (winged-ants). Eliminate food sources by keeping food sealed in airtight containers and promptly cleaning up crumbs and spills. Since these ants are attracted to moisture, fix any leaks or damp areas in and around your home. Seal entry points such as cracks, gaps, and openings to prevent ants from entering. Trim vegetation that touches your home, as they can use these as pathways. Remove outdoor nesting sites like old tree stumps or decaying wood. Regular monitoring and professional pest control measures will help prevent reinfestation and protect your home.

Exterminating Carpenter Ants

A professional pest control company employs a structured approach to exterminate these ants effectively. They begin with a thorough inspection of the property to assess the extent of the infestation, identify nesting sites, and pinpoint ant entry points. Once the species is confirmed, which is crucial for selecting appropriate treatment methods for customizing a plan. This plan often in ludes strategic placement of ant baits containing slow-acting insecticides near active areas and trails. Insecticides specifically formulated for carpenter ant control may also be applied, either as sprays, dusts, or foams, targeting severe infestations or inaccessible areas.

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About American Cockroaches

The American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is the largest species of common cockroach, and often considered a pest. In certain regions of the U.S. it is colloquially known as the waterbug,[1] though it is not a true waterbug since it is not aquatic. It is also known as the ship cockroachkakerlac, and Bombay canary.[2] It is often misidentified as a palmetto bug.[3][4]


Controlling American Cockroaches

Control these pests by sealing entry points, eliminating food sources, and maintaining a clean environment. Fix water leaks and ensure proper ventilation to reduce dampness. Consider professional pest control for severe infestations, employing methods like insecticide applications and targeted treatments. Regular inspections and consistent preventive measures are crucial for effective pest control in homes and businesses.


Exterminating American Cockroaches

Professional extermination involves targeted treatments using potent and safe insecticides and baits. Pest control experts focus on key areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and utility rooms, addressing both adult roaches and potential hiding spots. Seal entry points, maintain cleanliness, and fix water leaks to complement the extermination process. Due to the resilience of cockroaches, follow-up treatments may be necessary. Consult with your local DNR Pest Control technician for a comprehensive and tailored approach to effectively exterminate American cockroaches in your environment.


American Cockroach Prevention

Prevent American cockroach infestations by sealing entry points, such as cracks and gaps, and keeping your home clean and free of food debris. Store food in airtight containers and promptly clean up spills. Address water leaks and maintain proper ventilation to reduce moisture. Consistent hygiene and vigilant preventive measures are key to deterring American cockroaches from establishing in your home.


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About Fleas

Flea, the common name for the order Siphonaptera, includes 2,500 species of small flightless insects that live as external parasites of mammals and birds. Fleas live by ingesting the blood of their hosts. Adult fleas grow to about 3 millimetres (18 inch) long, are usually brown, and have bodies that are “flattened” sideways or narrow, enabling them to move through their hosts’ fur or feathers. They lack wings; their hind legs are extremely well adapted for jumping. Their claws keep them from being dislodged, and their mouthparts are adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood. They can leap 50 times their body length, a feat second only to jumps made by another group of insects, the superfamily of froghoppers. Flea larvae are worm-like, with no limbs; they have chewing mouthparts and feed on organic debris left on their hosts’ skin.


Controlling Fleas

Controlling fleas by regularly vacuuming carpets, furniture, and pet areas, Wash pet bedding and treat pets with flea preventative products. Keep outdoor areas tidy to reduce flea habitats. Consider pest control for flea treatments. Consistent prevention and early intervention are key to effective flea control.


Exterminating Fleas

Professional flea extermination involves a thorough assessment of the infestation. Pest control experts use a combination of safe and tested chemicals, insect growth regulators, and other targeted methods. They may treat both indoor and outdoor areas, including pet resting places. We will develop a customized plan for effective flea elimination. Keep in mind, regular follow-up treatments may be necessary to ensure complete eradication and prevent future infestations.


Flea Prevention

Prevent fleas by maintaining regular pet grooming and using flea prevention products recommended by your veterinarian. Vacuum and clean your home frequently, paying attention to pet resting areas. Wash pet bedding regularly in hot water. Consider consulting a pest control professional for comprehensive prevention strategies tailored to your specific situation. Consistency in preventative measures is crucial for keeping fleas at bay.


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About German Cockroaches (German Roach)

The German roach (Blattella germanica), colloquially known as the croton bug, is a species of small cockroach, typically about 1.1 to 1.6 cm (0.43 to 0.63 in)[1][2] long. In color it varies from tan to almost black, and it has two dark, roughly parallel, streaks on the pronotum running anteroposteriorly from behind the head to the base of the wings. Although B. germanica has wings, it can barely fly, although it may glide when disturbed.[3] Of the few species of cockroach that are domestic pests, it probably is the most widely troublesome example.[4] It is very closely related to the Asian cockroach, and to the casual observer, the two appear nearly identical and may be mistaken for each other. However, the Asian cockroach is attracted to light and can fly like a moth, while the German roach cannot.


Controlling German Cockroaches

To control German roach infestations start by identifying their hiding spots, focusing on kitchens and bathrooms. Maintain cleanliness, fix leaks, and store food in airtight containers to deter them. Be aware of packages from thrift stores, moving boxes, or junk bins, they can harbor roaches. German roaches cannot live outdoors, they love moist, dark places to live and reproduce.


Exterminating German Cockroaches

You pest control professionals will use a multi-route approach to exterminating your German Roach infestation. The technicians will deploy gel baits or insecticidal powders in crevices and corners, targeting areas near water sources. Having a professional pest control technician for these cases ensures a thorough and effective strategy to rid your home of these pests.


German Roach Prevention

Prevent German cockroach infestations by maintaining a clean environment. Seal food in airtight containers, promptly clean spills, and dispose of garbage regularly. Seal entry points, such as cracks and gaps, and fix any leaks to eliminate water sources. Regularly clean and sanitize hidden areas like behind appliances. Implement these practices to create an inhospitable environment and reduce the risk of German roach presence in your home or business. Contact your local pest pros for other tips and possible treatments available to protect your home from invaders.


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About Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are a family, the Culicidae, of some 3,600 species of small flies. The word “mosquito” (formed by mosca and diminutive -ito)[2] is Spanish for “little fly”.[3][4] The mosquito has a slender segmented body, one pair of wings, three pairs of long hair-like legs, and specialized, highly elongated, piercing-sucking mouthparts. All mosquitoes drink nectar from flowers; females of some species have in addition adapted to drink blood. Evolutionary biologists view them as micropredators, small animals that parasitise larger ones by drinking their blood without immediately killing them. Medical parasitologists view mosquitoes instead as vectors of disease, carrying protozoan parasites or bacterial or viral pathogens from one host to another.


Controlling Mosquitoes

Control mosquito infestations by eliminating standing water where they breed and installing screens on windows and doors. Consider mosquito-repelling plants and outdoor fogging for larger areas. Use mosquito nets or wear long sleeves and pants in high-risk areas such as camping or hiking. Professional mosquito control services may offer treatments like larvicides and adulticides. Implement a comprehensive strategy combining these methods to effectively control and minimize mosquito populations around your home.


Exterminating Mosquitoes

Professional mosquito extermination involves targeted treatments to eliminate breeding sites and control adult mosquitoes. Pest control experts may use insecticides, larvicides, and fogging techniques for effective results. It’s essential to address both larval habitats and adult mosquitoes to break the breeding cycle. Additionally, ongoing preventative measures, such as removing standing water and using repellants, play a crucial role in long-term mosquito control. Consult with your local mosquito and pest control service for a tailored approach to address your specific mosquito infestation.


Mosquito Prevention

Prevent mosquito infestation by eliminating standing water around your home, using screens on windows and doors, and wearing mosquito repellant. Opt for landscaping measures like keeping vegetation trimmed to reduce hiding spots. Use mosquito repelling plants around your home and in the garden. Implementing a comprehensive prevention strategy combining these measure helps create a less hospitable environment for mosquitoes and minimizes the risk of bites.


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